v3.0 (LATEST)
- AUTORIG (new feature)
- Heatmap default skinning, (new feature)
- Alpha exported PNG rendering (new feature)
- Vertex Sorting by bone sorting order (new feature)
- UI improvements
- Fixed 5.4 error
- Fixed Scaled skinning error
- Warning if you make an IK on 2 bones
- Fixed Material folder bug
- Fixed FFD non zero bug
- IK flip now animatable
- Multi Edit FFD controls
- Fix to allow FFDs to be modified after they've been created.
- Squash & Stretch fixes
- Skinning retains vertex colors
- Memory Management & GC optimisations
- Weight painting fixes
- Fixed weight handle control
- Fixed Unity 5.1 bug
- Fixed FFD undo bugs
- Multiple Bone IK
- New Smooth Weights (old one now uses CTRL & SHIFT)
- Square Mesh Triangulation, with 5 subdivision levels
- Auto creation of global_CTRL and parenting
- Mesh Centric UV Offsetting
- Multi-object sorting layer editing
-Unity 5 skinning bug fix
-Build Error bug fix
-No longer needs to be in Assets root folder
- Spline controls auto add to global control
-Default sets to quality to correct number of bones
-Removed PixelsToUnits Warning
- New Tabbed GUI
- FFD Free Form Deformations
- Spline Controls for tails, tenticles, and other bendy things
- Pose and Selection Loading/ Saving
- Render Png Sequence wit alpha
- All children bones now visible
- Selecting the bone now selects the bone pivot
- Ability to detach and reattach skin (keeping weights if you are in Edit Skin Weights mode)
- Controls automatically get removed from the global_ctrl on deletion
- Better Undo functionality when creating bones and editing skin weights
- Fixed Webplayer and Windows Mobile build error
- Fixed bug where sometimes you can't select a bone in bone creation tool
- Fixed Flip Runtime bug
- Fixed Overwrite Mesh bug (now saves to assets)
- Size of Bones/Controls/Vertex persists after save
- Unable to break skin weights by selecting None (removed this unnecessary option)
- Binding Skin Keeps Sorting Layer info
- No longer breaks hierachy when you put an IK on the end of 2 bones
- Global_Ctrl Combine Meshes Keeps Update Offscreen Info
- Bake animation to bones button (bakes control animation onto bones as keyframes)
- Improved Create Bone Tool, Backspace to delete, Alt click to add bones, shift to move individual bone, ctrl to move bone & hierachy
- Edit skin weights colors highlighted bones
- Fixed Mesh Creation sprite pivot bug
- Fixed sorting layer bug
- Choice of 4 Different Sprite To Mesh Conversions
- Improved Default Skinning (choice between 1 or 2 bone skinning)
- Refresh Global Control Button
- Sorting Layer Exposed on Meshes
- Flipping characters no longer breaks with PolygonCollider2D or 3d Box Colliders
- Custom Pivot Allowed on Spritesheet sprites
- Other Mesh Conversion Bug Fixes
- Ability to rotate character into any axis plane from global_CTRL
- Bone Scaler size now goes between 0 & 1, accounts for much smaller scales.
- Move bones with "CTRL" using Create Bone Tool
- More prominent Bone Creation & Edit Skin Weights
- Refresh toggle on global_CTRL allows you to manually rearrange control execution order if turned off (for the more advanced user)
- Vertex Handles default to controls layer
- Fixed bug to stop you from trying to skin sprites,bones or controls
- Mesh Combining checkbox on Global_CTRL, this will combine all the skinned meshes into 1 drawcall.
- Control & Bone Sizing improvement
- Ability to Scale Bones via Controls
- Convert to mesh keeps layer & sorting layer info
- Undo Converting sprite with polygon2dcollider to mesh no longer deletes mesh
- Convert mesh has a more intelligent asset creation, asking you if you want to overwrite previous mesh & material
- Improved Sprite To Mesh Conversion
- Fixed IOS mode bone creation bug
- Flip Checkbox on the Global_CTRL
- multi bone bug
- Creating prefabs made the meshes dissappear (now they get saved in Assets/Puppet2D/Models/)
- Not being able to build bug